As I do want to be a sexy cam model for you all to have fun with in chat or show off and let you have your way with me in fantasy land, or even with a few twists and turns surely to come in the near future, I just wanted to also convey that I love to have a deep and meaningful chat and will have that chat with anyone anytime. Hello everyone out there in Earth 2.0: the virtual mirror of our new norm selves now transcending the bridge from Sci-Fi over to tangible, concrete, duality. I'm from the last century, the one when we still acted innocently, regardless of our slick intentions, coy mannerisms, or traditionalist facades. And that's not from pride, I assure you. I'm simply a whole race behind the rest of you, instead of just a few steps. I am new to the 'owning your D' mentality, being proud of my body was never simple. I'm a mental hospital candidate who got away with it because of how sensitive everyone has become, and with the times to chaperone me through otherwise "just shut up and smile" days. I did, however, start my resume off with (in all technicality) "go go dancer" at an old bar in an old part of the country. So I always try it, but never fully succeed in owning my sex status. I'll accept it as a work in progress.But hey, if you read this far, come find out more about me and check out my schedule. I will be as thorough as possible at maintaining this and other sites tied to the profile, but bear with me. It's been quite a while. I'm working on 3 years facebook free, yet alone try to start F4F or similar sites. Thanks,Zp.s. I love a good philosophical paradox, or even poetic rhetoric as an ice breaker
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