I liked the way he looks, his thin body with bronze tan stimulant effect on me, and butch guy added attraction and just drove me crazy. Erez began to shower kisses on my feet, gradually moving in the direction of the excited body. His hands grabbed me by the belt of his pants and he is one subtle movement undid them. I chustvoval that I could not stop myself ...Erez has asked me to take a seat commander standing in a staff - the most respected place. He locked and bolted the door, and this time I sat in a chair, waiting for the continuation ...Erez took off my shoes and gradually set me free from all clothing. I was sitting in an armchair commander completely naked, and it gave me an unusually pleasant. We began to kiss lingering French kiss, and then he began to sink lower and lick my body: neck, chest and everything else. It was very nice to feel like Erez tongue touches my crotch from that, I felt like in paradise. Finally, he seized my cock, previously "examining" the groin area by a series of kisses.He took my penis in her mouth expertly immersing and pulling out the end of his Deep Throat. I felt the roughness of his tongue, and it is doubly strengthened my erection. I began to press his head to his stomach, stroking and caressing his hair at the same time. But it could not last and after a couple of minutes, I felt that I finish ... I groaned: "Go on, go on, Concha-aaa-yu!" and suddenly I felt something that all of my seed to the last drop is poured into the mouth Erez. Oh, what a miracle it was !. After a few seconds, coming to himself, I laughed and told him: "I'm not going to complain about you, but you continue to patrol."I got up and was about to put on, still feeling some guilt for having sex with a guy who also is still and my subordinates, which is absolutely unacceptable for an officer. But Erez bit my lip and then said, cheerful voice: - Asaph, where you suddenly hurried? If you want to, I did not complain to you, you should also take responsibility for our sexual experience.
I approach to a final part of the story where I have learned, that such man's sex three together. I consider, that to me in a life have largly carried:я in an early youth познал that much of blue guys has revealed much later. But, on the other hand, I could not dispose of it correctly. Now I understand-it was a direct hint of destiny on that what choice to me it was necessary to make. However all my subsequent life was anything other as struggle with itself and with an own body. I have locked myself in iron fetters of public morals. Only in dreams, in imaginations allowed involuntarily true desires to seize itself. And there was a happiness so close, absolutely absolutely a number! As then, in a youth There was a solar hot June midday We with my friend from group played on a volleyball platform near to camp club. I so have taken a great interest in game, that at all have not noticed, how on one of benches of tribunes Sergey has seemed. It on a belt has been naked, its damp leather covered by drops of water shone equal chestnut sunburn. It held a wet towel in hands. " Probably from bathing goes " I-has thought and further continued to play, imperceptibly continuing to watch it. It has for certain noticed that I observe of it. For that time while went the first change (somewhere days 10) I already has many times visited in it комнатушке. There, in a solitude both of us were betraid to sex in all conceivable and inconceivable variants.Sometimes all this, having seized a right moment, transferred in душевую. But my absence at night in the case could not remain long time not noticed. I do not know as, but óá½ý¬á-our leader somehow has understood all. It or has tracked down me, либоСерега has dumped from itself all up to swimming trunks and has in a pointed manner spread out the brawny torso on benches as on a show-window of shop. It возлегал, полуприкрыв eyes, as загарая. Actually it watched me, сооблазняя me each movement: stroked itself that on a breast on legs, and even at all in swimming trunks to itself will climb
It happened all of a sudden! He has so far never came! Yes, he was interested in boys, but that, to do with his best friend sex! This onmechtal only in their sexual fantasies! And he did not believe that this has finally happened. He lay there and remembered all that he had with Max.As usual after school, when my mother was at work. He and Max went to internet and masturbate to indecent images. And Max said he wanted to kiss the girl and for some reason I remembered the game where you can pair up and do different things naughty. Oleg understood what he was getting, and agreed to play! This is where it all started! Max walked over to him and admitted that he always wanted it! Just could not find a partner! Without warning, he kissed her on the lips of Oleg. His tongue slipped through closed lips relaxed Oleg! Oleg immediately felt bad taste cheap cigarettes (who smoked Max). Oleg liked to swallow and absorb the language of Max into his mouth! Max emitted saliva in his mouth Oleg. Soon Oleg pulled away from Max and Max suggested that suck Oleg. Oleg nodded. Max gently began to unbutton his pants jeans Oleg. He took off, he and his little family with red stripes! He saw his penis, which was nine centimeters! Hunched over, Max, I stuck it in his mouth. And he began to suck, kicking his language in all directions. Then Oleg began to moan. He grabbed Max by the ears and pulled him to his penis. Max was sick for such treatment of his ears, and he began to mumble! To his good fortune, Oleg perevozbudilsya from this and finished in the mouth Max! Max began to swallow sperm and vomited in disgust! Max hoarse voice said to Oleg also sucked at it, but Oleg refused. Then Max said vyebet him in his ass. Oleg began otmazyvatsya, but Max said then fuck him violently. Oleg decided to accept. In secret he wanted to, just decided spokes excuses. So Oleg undressed he looked rather fragile, Max, on the contrary was a little thick and he like the girls were pendulous breasts. His penis was eight centimeters small and shriveled. He decided to masturbate a little, and he became potomkogda elastic member inserted with force into a small hole Oleg. Oleg cried out in surprise and pain! Max pecked him for about 10 minutes. Oleg began at the end to have fun but as luck Max finished and filled it with his ass yellowish sperm.
Meetings Meetings *I've been waiting for this event and knew that someday it will happen. He called me in a separate room, for some reason, carrying a laptop and notebook. Why would he, I thought. And went to him confidently, as if it were not for him, and I took him and also took notes. I knew what would happen and was ready for it. We entered, closed the door tightly. He sat in a chair, I knelt down and heard a distorted lust and Japanese accent "Suck". I hesitated. Yet I did not get to such procedures are already more than six years. He impatiently grabbed his hand behind his head, and the other violently pulled out of his pants erect penis. Second hand grabbed his head and forcefully, helping himself body movements strung me on my number!Aware of male desire, and what is happening in his mind, I made five slow and very deep head movements, thus impacting member lips and feeling the powerful trunk becomes hard head and back. His hands are weak and releasing my head, gripping the armrests. I stopped and looked at him. He was breathing heavily and obviously waited.I started kissing his belly, licking track light gun coming from the groin to the deepening of the navel. Kissed her nipples, biting them. Right hand this time crumpling and stroking the perineum and testicles, and the left desperately wanker dick. From his throat ripped out sighs and indiscriminate bubbling a mixture of languages. But suddenly one word "suck" was the main and said with obvious urgency and threat. I clung to the penis, the most deeply introducing it into my throatMy hands slipped on the hairless abdomen and chest to his nipples and simultaneously sucking movements I started to squeeze and twist the nipples as if helping her throat deeper pushing an ever-increasing in size dick. His hips began to twitch, knocking me to enjoy my pace. I grabbed the base of his right hand guns at the same time a little poddrachivaya.I began to lick balls, trying to act as a nucleus can be intense, sometimes sucking that one or two of something else immediately. He snorted with pleasure, and I became a member of poddrachivat his hands. His body began to move to the beat of my movements, apparently helping to get the most pleasure from happening. My mouth took up his head, caressing tongue and lips flesh. He breathed a bowl and noisy sometimes hear the words and phrases in Japanese.
How I became gayAll the young boys feel attracted to each other and just enough spark that kindled the flame of a real sexual attraction between them. I'll tell you how it happened with me. At the time when my pussy was still a little finger in an excited state, I loved going to visit a boy my age and together we watched a movie on TV. But once he sat down beside me in a chair and allegedly accidentally put his palm on my shorts, to where my pussy, I removed his hand, but after a while his hand was again in the place where my pussy. This time I did not remove his hand, decided to give him, threw his hands in the top and in different directions on the back of the chair, with his left arm endeared her behind him clutching his hand on the top of the seat back and the right is located on the back of the chair on the other away from me as well, then I spread my legs as much as possible to the distance between them and the side of the chair.After a while I felt his fingers through shorts, then compress it let go of my pussy, my pussy was "up", my opinion was sent to the TV on which the movie was going, he still played for some time because, through shorts, with my pussy and seeing that I do not look at what he is doing and what I did not react to his fun with my pussy went on, his hand penetrated into my panties and began to drive on my pussy with their fingers on the head pussy to its base, a little done about it, he became his fingers gently led by head pussy, compress it until it pops out of his fingers, and everything is repeated while there was a movie on TV, and when the movie ended, he stopped playing with my pussy and we went for a walk on the street. It was such a blissful pleasure that words can convey. After that, I as usual came to visit him, ostensibly to watch a movie together, and when he began movies sit down to my chair, and his hand came through to me in panties and playing with my pussy for hours, until I watched the movie, sometimes it happened twice a day, but for some reason, he never brought me to orgasm.
I have long wanted to try to have sex with a man. Back in school when I get an irresistible urge. At such times I wore stockings garters, panties and a short skirt, oiled ass oil and introduced into it any thing, it was usually roll-on deodorant. So I went to the apartment and have great fun because in my ass is solid object. Sufficiently aroused, I imagined myself alone with a man who lifts up my skirt, removes her panties and slowly enters me. Then I took a big carrot back down the strip panties and sat on her deeper and deeper, dreaming that someday I'll suck a real cock and me will stick man - to climb under her skirt, to enter into my own fingers, then put on his knees and a good fuck.And on the first year of university, I decided, and advertised on the Internet with descriptions of their stories. And selecting one letter, I called. Contrary to my expectations, we quickly agreed to meet with him and his friends. So he came for me, and we went to the country.In anticipation of the three members of the coveted me just shaking.It was the beginning of September, and we arrived at Sasha's cottage. It was quite large with a spacious veranda and a sauna with a small pool in the basement. When we arrived, we were together. He said that his friends will approach later. Because in those moments my thoughts were only about sex, I would not leave him with questions: how he loves to fuck, what clothes they prepared me, how much will it druzeyKogda I asked what his dick, he just laughed and said that I too fast, and I see it all soon.So I washed and stood naked in front of him, hoping that he would now nagnёt me and developing my ass starts to fuck. But he was in no hurry. I asked Sasha to wipe my back with a towel and he started very slowly and gently rub me when he got to the bottom of the back, I took his hand and held it to his hole. Sasha smiled:- Restless.
All my life I spent in the capital, only occasionally leaving with his family to the country, in the village. On the virtues of rural life, I knew a little bit. The hostess, which we rented a house in the village on Tverskaya St. Petersburg highway was strong Russian woman - one of those about whom he wrote Nekrasov. Her husband does not dry out for weeks, she would mercilessly beat for this huge smooth and shiny from regular exercises with cow's udder hands, the same as in the evenings in the bath in the Volga drove him to brew. The whole yard and farm held on this healthy Russian peasant woman and her two sons - 19 and 14 years old.We lived with her three of us - me, my wife and our daughter. His wife, fearing for her daughter, disapproving glances at her two boys - junior and senior Paul Nicholas, wondering at the same time as the seed of such a crappy grow these fellows. Both of them were already quite Contents men with delicate gold shoots around the lips.Leafing through the latest e-mail that is delivered by courier from a closed institution where I worked as a deputy director, I lay for hours under the hay shed, watching as it seemed straightforward rural life. Wife and daughter wandered through the woods, sunbathing by the river. I also had a hard job - I wrote an article for a scientific journal. Courier, effeminate young man appeared in a day. I took away his paper, limited to sparse cheers, but it is usually delayed, something long flirting with the master's.From under the cozy shelter I looked around in the lung longing, enjoying peace. And more and more distracted by watching Paul and Nicholas. It was July, sredolete * Mezhennaya - said the hostess. From morning till late in the evening the whole family was haymaking, every hour drove up to the house laden with hay wagon. Nicholas, the older, skillfully rules Heavyweights from the top of stack, and the younger went by quickly, so the horse was nicknamed, bareback. Tanned, silver dust from hay, shiny with sweat droplets which flew through the sun's rays, colored sprays, they seemed to me the heroes of ancient mythology. So I called them a joke - Hermes and Mercury. Their mother was interested in me about the origin of unfamiliar names for rural speech. And when he heard that the owners of their once served the gods, took a playful habit convene their guys for the evening table. And went through the village - Hermes, Mercury
Today I want to start blogging. Here I'll tell you more about myself, how I am spending my day, and what interesting things going on in my life. I think all of you will be interested in it. I am very grateful to those, who are reading these lines:) If you are reading this, then I did not write in vain.I am a very cheerful smiling young blonde guy. If you talked with me, you know that. If it exists rather, then add me in to your favorites and come to me to chat. I'll show you a great show and to draw up a company if you are lonely. Amuse you or just to have a heart.I want to find a lot of friends from around the world and know them better, it's that sort of my hobby, this activity brings me great pleasure!Feel free and go to my page! Also you can send me message if i am not online we can share with photos or just chat:) But dont forget that i am very hot guy and my private show its a big pleasure you ever seen. Anyway i will be glad to see you! Hope to see you soon:) Thanks! And kisses for everybody!
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