We all love birthdays , that one special day when the presents offered by the ones we love are making it one of the bests. Well, let s think a little bit..what about a special one gift for your lover , let s say..a special way of decoration, one full of CUMfetti for example? Yesss , you have heard me well: make your lover forget completely about the suprise hidden in the confetti and drive him crazy by offering him a special , creamy one straight from your...I better shh:P Naughty, is not it?
Do you know that one kind of people getting out to run, every day, same hour? Those ones that everyone around know them already: the bakery seller, the waitress on the coffee- shop next corner, the old man reading the paper over that one bench in the park. Well , think about how would It be like that person to receive a nice flower, with an compliment attached, made obvious enough to know it s about her each day , same hours, while she s passing through a less populated spot of her route. Ans just to realise , one day, it was actually the guy next door, that used to go run outside same hours with her.
Panties..we all have them, don t we? With different colours, models... shorter, longer, black, blue, rainbow onesBuut, what about a special pair of panties? Black, transparent ones, with a little hole spotted in the right place, just enough to give you an invitation like " Look, here I am, waiting for you to come in". Now imagine the lady that wears it, sitting there, in front of you, with her legs stretched, naughtily smiling to you, turning you into a dumb guy that only has " pus*y" in his head.Hihihi, sounds a bit fun, does not it?:P
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